Redistrict Chester County, PA

This page allows you to assign the precincts of Chester county to one of three congressional districts, called green, orange and purple. The unassigned precincts are tinted red or blue to indicate a history of voting Republican or Democrat. As you assign precincts to districts, we predict whether a Democrat or Republican will win each district using the historical voting patterns for the precincts.

In 2004, Chester County's major party votes were split 48% Democrat and 52% Republican. Under something like proportional representation, that would suggest that Republicans would win two of the three districts. On the other hand, if people were allocated to districts completely at random, all three districts would have that same splt as the county and all would go Republicans.

Click on a color below to select which district you want to build. Then paint precincts on the map with that color.

Percent Democrat

Reshape precincts: